

无论是何种原因出售您自己的房产, 您都希望能够顺利成交而且尽量获得一个好的价钱, 但是, 出售房产同时又是一个非常繁琐, 耗神和需要专业帮助的过程. 所以安省地产协会及多伦多地产协会建议您一定要找到一个称职的专业代理替您打理这一复杂的过程. 一般说来买到您理想的房屋需要经过如下主要阶段:

  • Choosing a REALTOR

    As a seller, your relationship with a REALTOR is vital – so meet with several before making a final decision. Choose a REALTOR you feel confortable with; onw who will handle the sale of your home as if it were his or her own.

  • What to Expect

    Your REALTOR will help you understand the selling process. He or she will provide you with a full explanation of what to expect so you are not faced with any surprise along the way.

  • Getting to know you

    One of the first things your REALTOR will ask is, “Why are you selling your house?” Your REALTOR will also explore any time constraints you may have, your financial situation and any future plans. It’s all part of getting to know you so the sale will be handled to your complete satisfaction.

  • Setting the Price

    Arriving at an accurate estimate of value for your home is one of your REALTOR’s prime task. It involves analyzing your home and comparing it to other, similar houses for sale or recently sold in the neighbourhood. It may also statistics available only to qualified REALTORs. In the end, you will be sure the price you set reflects the true value of your home under current market conditions.

  • The Marketing Plan

    Depending on your circumstances, and the prevailing market, your REALTOR will develop a plan to help sell your home quickly and effectively.

  • Pre-qualifying Potential Buyers

    Your REALTOR knows how to separete the “lookers” from the “buyers”, identifying those who are likely to be interested in your home and qualified to buy it. This will help ensure that only serious buyers visit your house.

  • Negotiation

    Your REALTOR has the knowledge and experience to negotiate an agreement on your behalf according to your instructions. He or she will assist in negotiating a better offer, act as mediator between you and the buyer and will participate in drawing up a legally binding contract that protects your interests.

  • Closing